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University of Helsinki TRACtion Team – 3D Digitalization of the Karelian Traditional Costumes

TRACtion team from University of Helsinki Riikka Räisänen, Mari Kosunen and Aino Eerikäinen visited at South Karelia Museum to have 3D imaging of traditional costumes from Koivisto and Heinjoki from 19thcentury. Veikko Miettinen from University of Eastern Finland and Rami Saarikorpi from 360 Panorama Finland did the 3D imaging of the outfits in 4 different techniques: still photographs, video, structured light scanner, and lidar. Textile conservator Riikka Jäväjä from South Karelia Museum took good care of costumes during the shootings and afterwards packed costumes nicely to silk paper so that they remain in good condition for next hundreds of years to come.

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